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Emergency Support

Are you a human rights defender in/from the Southern Africa and in need of emergency assistance?

Holistic Security

Holistic Security is a strategy to help human rights defenders maintain their well-being when working. The holistic approach integrates self-care, well-being, digital security, and information security into traditional security management practices.


The Holistic Security concept is founded on the understanding that ‘security’ is a deeply personal, subjective, and gendered concept. When HRDs work to bring about positive socioeconomic change, they face constant threats, risks, and attacks that impact their physical and psychological integrity. However, taking an integrated approach to security and protection strategies can sustain HRDs and their work. This means integrating the importance of digital security, psycho-social well-being, and physical security processes. 

To achieve this SouthernDefenders works with partner organizations such as the Centre for Study Violence and Reconciliation and Digital Security Africa to offer holistic security and protection training in order to equip HRDs with the necessary experience tools. 

The Tactical Tech team created a Holistic Security manual that HRDs can use to maintain thier physical, digital and psycho-social well bing,