2022 Southern Africa Human Rights Defenders Summit Report
SouthernDefenders, in collaboration with Advancing Human Rights in Southern Africa (ARISA), the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Regional Office for Southern Africa (OHCHR ROSA), the People’s Action for Accountability and Good Governance and Amnesty International, held the 2022 Southern Africa Human Rights Defenders Summit from November 28-29, 2022 in Lusaka, Zambia. The summit brought together over 150 human rights defenders (HRDs) and civil society organisations (CSOs), grassroots movements and representatives of National Human Rights Institutions from Southern Africa to take stock of the ground-breaking gains as well as the challenges and risks faced by HRDs in the face of shrinking civic space in the region.
The theme for the summit was – A Journey to Sustainability: Protecting Civic Space Through Strengthening Institutions for and Networks of Environmental and Human Rights Defenders in Southern Africa – which was relevant in the context of the increasing repression of human rights and the weakening of institutions that are meant to defend democracies at both domestic and regional level.
You can read or download the Report Below: